Dr. Ludvig de Knoop
Biography Ludvig earned his degree of Master of Science in Engineering Physics at Chalmers University of Technology in 2005. During his master thesis project, supervised by Eva Olsson and Krister Svensson, he studied electron transport measurements in carbon nanotubes using in situ TEM biasing. Between 2005 and 2007 he worked as Product Manager for the TEM-NanoIndenter system at Nanofactory Instruments in Gothenburg, Sweden. From 2007 to 2010 he was Vice President of Sales in Europe, Middle East and India for Nanofactory Instruments. In 2014 he earned his PhD in Materials Physics from Université de Toulouse in Toulouse, France, thesis entitled “Development of Quantitative Microscopy for Nanoindentation and Cold-Field Emission” under the supervision of Martin Hÿtch and Marc Legros. He is since 2015 a postdoctoral fellow in the Eva Olsson Group, where he continues working with in situ TEM field emission and other high electric field phenomena. Research Interests EM and related techniques:
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