The plan for our division for the period of 2018-2023 is to contribute with advanced nano characterisation for research on materials, nanostructures and devices that further health and the development of a sustainable society. We aim to continue our inspiring research and further develop our environment with international visibility that attracts students, post doc and scientists.
The recent highlights of our research include developments of methods as well as knowledge of the function of the nanostructure of materials and devices for promoting health and a sustainable society. The knowledge is transferred by publications, conference and workshop presentations, teaching and collaborations.
We have established platforms for nanocharacterisation of:
· Organic solar cells
· Coatings for controlled drug release
· Batteries
· Nanostructured photovoltaics
· Plasmonics
· Quantum devices
· Nanoparticle catalysts
The method developments includes:
· Specimen preparation methods
· In situ wetting experimental set ups
· In situ thermal experimental set ups
· In situ electrical experimental set ups
· In situ optical experimental set ups
· Soft microscopy
· High spatial precision in determining atom positions
· Improved methods for high energy resolution energy loss spectroscopy in the low energy range (less than 2 eV)
· Quantitative 3D reconstruction of porous networks on the micro- and nanometer length scales
· Organic solar cells
· Coatings for controlled drug release
· Batteries
· Nanostructured photovoltaics
· Plasmonics
· Quantum devices
· Nanoparticle catalysts
The method developments includes:
· Specimen preparation methods
· In situ wetting experimental set ups
· In situ thermal experimental set ups
· In situ electrical experimental set ups
· In situ optical experimental set ups
· Soft microscopy
· High spatial precision in determining atom positions
· Improved methods for high energy resolution energy loss spectroscopy in the low energy range (less than 2 eV)
· Quantitative 3D reconstruction of porous networks on the micro- and nanometer length scales
We have a widespread national and international network of collaboration partners and exchange programs with distinguished research labs in Europe, USA and Japan. Our work spans from basic science to applied research in collaboration with industry.
A grant from the Knut and Alice Foundation (Main applicant: Eva Olsson) in combination with funding from Chalmers, in total 66 000 000 SEK, allows us to add three new state-of-the art electron microscopes to Chalmers Material Analysis Laboratory ( , and The instruments provide new possibilities for materials research. Our plan is to use them for the development of materials for health and a sustainable society. The combination of our research, education, interaction with industry and institutes will further enhance our ability to attract students, post docs and senior researchers both nationally and internationally.
We host international workshops and summer schools on advanced electron microscopy. We are one of the nodes in the IDEA-league of the doctoral school for Advanced Atomic Scale Characterisation with schools held at each one of the nodes during the period of 2018-2019.
We primarily use the instruments located within the Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory (CMAL). To browse these instruments, please see their webpage here.
Selected research results: Applications
1. Soft matter
A new research area for our division has been established. A book chapter shows the recognition of our research on understanding of the correlation between microstructure and properties of coating for controlled drug release.
- C. Fager and E. Olsson, “Soft materials and coatings for controlled drug release”, invited book chapter in “Nanotechnologies in Preventive and Regenerative Medicine”, Editors: Vuk Uskokovic, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Dragan Uskokovic, Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Elsevier, 2017, in series of “Micro and Nanotechnology Books”.
High precision measurements of oxide barrier thickness and thickness distributions in tunnel barrier junctions for quantum devices and correlation to tunnel barrier properties. The findings are of crucial importance for the optimisation of quantum computers where oxide barrier thickness uniformity will have an increasing importance. A thickness variation of one atom plane has a large influence and demands the combination of high spatial resolution and local information that can be provided by advanced TEM.
- L.J. Zeng, S. Nik, T. Greibe, P. Krantz, C.M. Wilson, P. Delsing and E. Olsson, “Direct observation of the thickness distribution of ultra thin AlOx barriers in Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions”, J. Phys. D- Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 395308.
A work where we developed knowledge about electron beam interaction with organic solar cells, performed 3D characterization and determined the nucleation sites of the fullerene phase which is important for the optimization of functional structure.
- O. Bäcke, C. Lindqvist, A.D.D. Mendaza, S. Gustafsson, E.G. Wang, M.R. Andersson, C. Müller and E. Olsson, “Mapping fullerene crystallization in a photovoltaic blend: an electron tomography study”, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 8451.
Selected research results: Method development for advanced nano-characterisation
4. High energy resolution spectroscopy
Further development of EELS energy resolution and extraction of signal in spectra where the signal of interest is only a few counts on a high background.
- A.B. Yankovich, R. Verre, E. Olsen, A.E.O. Persson, V. Trinh, G. Dovner, M. Käll and E. Olsson, ”Multidimensional Hybridization of Dark Surface Plasmons”, ACS Nano 11 (2017) 4265.
Development of high precision (1 pm) determination of atomic positions using quantitative scanning TEM and combined experimental and theoretical work.
- T. Nilsson Pingel, M. Jørgensen, A.B. Yankovich, H. Grönbeck and E. Olsson, ”Influence of atomic site-specific strain on catalytic activity of supported nanoparticles", Nature Communications 9 (2018) 2722.