Dr. Torben Nilsson Pingel
torben.nilsson.pingel[at]chalmers.se Biography Torben received a diploma degree in physics from Kiel University (Germany) in 2011, specialising in solid state and surface physics and investigating organic molecules on semiconductor surfaces using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). He then moved to Gothenburg (Sweden) and started working as a doctoral student at the Chalmers University of Technology. His PhD degree was earned in 2017 under the supervision of Eva Olsson for studies of the structure and ageing of supported nanoparticle catalysts, mainly using various electron microscopy techniques ((S)TEM, SEM, FIB/SEM). Torben is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Eva Olsson Group, where he focuses on 3D imaging of soft materials. Research Interests 3D structure of soft materials